Saturday 13 April 2013

365 no more...but the 176 challenge!

It finally happened people. . .

I finally missed out a photo. . .

I didn't even realise I'd done it. . .

Several weeks after the missed date I was happily scrolling back through my pictures and looking at the dates and I realised!  I'd finally had a day where I'd forgotten to take a photo and after closer inspection at least four days!

And I mean completely forgotten!  There have been some nights when I've been in bed for half an hour maybe even an hour and then I've remembered I haven't taken a photo to document my day and gotten out of bed, trudged downstairs and grabbed the camera desperately searching for something to photograph.

But not on January 9th apparently (the first of the missing pictures). Whatever happened that day my mind had no concern for taking a first I suspected that the Little Lady had got a bit too handsie!  She adores the camera; looking at pictures of Daddy and pictures of herself . . . although I don't think she realises it's her...I think she thinks "what's that other baby doing in my house and playing with all my toys...when did that happen Muma?"

But since realising it's actually been a real relief.  I haven't missed the pressure taking a photo every day caused, constantly thinking 'where's the camera, what can I take a picture of, is this a complete waste of time?'  I will also not miss having to upload them and label them all because it took AGES. . . mind you that's probably because I meant to upload every week not every eight weeks. . .

I am glad though because there are definitely some boring things that I've done, that I would have completely forgotten about had I not have taken a photo:
i.e the time the laundry monster came to stay
or when the Tesco bomb exploded in our Kitchen...once again

And there are some really great things that I'm pleased to have taken a picture of:
i.e the Little Lady with aging Great-Grandad

the one time my lounge didn't look like a rampant toddler lived there

It's lovely to see how much the Little Lady has grown over the last few months, her hair is longer for definite and if I compare the photo I took on her first birthday to the last one on January 8th I can't believe she used to sit like little baby!

Even though I didn't make it all the way through I still enjoyed what I managed and who knows. . .I might find reason enough to try again in July. . .


  1. Haha! My fav is the laundry monster ( it knows where I live too, random!) and the living room tidy - I sometimes feel like taking a photo of my pristine kitchen and framing it.

  2. Haha that made me laugh out loud. I think I should print the living room pic and print it too now!
