It's now of course coming back to bite me, "please don't do that darling. Please don't: pick Little Lady no. 2 up all by yourself; try cross the road without holding Mummy's hand; drag your stool across the kitchen to the hob in a valiant albeit suicidal attempt to stir the pasta" I say and the reply comes "no Mummy, cuz I a growed up girl!".
Clearly safety and reason are of no concern to a toddler who, for the past 7 months since Little Lady no2. arrived., has been fueled by the promise and praise of her autonomy!
But I realise that bribing Little Lady no1. with the promise of independence, autonomy, self-esteem and self-confidence, which are merely false gods, will ultimately lead Little Lady no.1 (and 2) away from the obedience that it required of her, and the grace and mercy that could be hers! No where in the Bible does it say that any of the above character traits are worthy of our life time's pursuit! The Bible says:
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not despise"
Psalm 51:17
So I have been challenging myself not to say it so much and to continue to teach Little Lady no1 obedience. For obedience is what is required of her! I shouldn't have to appeal, beg and manipulate her into listening to me and doing as she is told no matter how effective recent strategies may have proved to be. And I fear that all they have achieved is behaviour modification rather than address any of the heart issues my 2 year and 8 month old is actually grappling with.
She is a tiny, walking, talking unabashed version of everyone of us. Seeking her own desires, pleasures and gains unable to even consider how or why her heart is wired the way it is. That's my job. It's my job to teach her to admit that she is broken, that sin has marred God's image of himself in her and only a contrite heart that trusts in Christ to save and restore her will give her any hope and reward in this life and the next. That's the reason she has me, I am supposed to be her conscience and guide until I have taught her well enough the Biblical principles she needs to navigate this world and her heart for herself, under God's authority.
Unfortunately I think she will hear "because I'm your Mother, that's why!"more, but hopefully when said with love, in truth, for her good, by God's grace (and probably with an extra sentence or two to further explain!) it will mean a whole lot more to her heart than "because you're a grown up girl"
On a lighter note:
yeah pretty much!
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