So the lovely little lady is waking from her nap and I have found time to blog hooray! I have found that the lady is very much like me and wants to take her own sweet time when it comes to getting up from a nap. Yes I nap at the moment as it's T minus 6 weeks until D Day. I open her curtains and blind and allow her to come to her senses which usually take around 15 minutes any other attempts by me will arouse a chorus of her new favourite phrase "no muma!" although at least at nap time she doesn't wag her finger at me.
here are a few other bumblings of the little lady of late I thought I'd catch you all up on:

3. Testing Muma's patience. "No Muma" with the wagging finger was first. But after the 37th time today it's wearing thin. Sometimes I don't have to say anything! I looked at her the other day in a way which she clearly didn't not approve of and she shut her bedroom door on me and from behind it I heard "No Muma". I was about to explode when I realised it was an all to real picture of how I am guilty of treating God sometimes and so thinking upon God's character I decided to be kind and patient and just knock gently until she let me in.
4. Co-Co turn. This is how she says her name. EVERYTHING is Co-co's turn even when it's really not and this is how so many pairs of knickers end up with two legs in one hole, milk ends up on the kitchen floor and I end up with back brushed hair because it's Co-co's turn! Somethings I'm just saying no to and risking a good scolding no.3 style!
Short and sweet people just a snap shot into our recent days.
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