Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Pizza Thief!

So like many people over Christmas I over-indulged and so since then I have been on a mission to be a bit more careful with what I eat.  My new year’s resolution was not to add salt to my food either in cooking or as seasoning afterwards (apart from on chips because, let’s face it, they’re chips), so far so good.  I've also been trying to watch how much sugar I eat which, considering how many boxes of chocolates I got for my birthday and Christmas, hasn't been easy…

…plus I’m not helping my own cause as I baked flapjacks today. They are basically heart disease and tooth decay in cake form.  455 Calories per slice! But boy are they GOOOD.   They are still sitting on the cooling rack waiting, begging me to eat them…but I will resist as I have already had four jaffa cakes today and a hot chocolate, and yesterday I ate a whole packet of strawberry laces and hid the evidence down the side of the sofa.

I've also been in the habit of eating half a pizza. Well the hubby and I share a whole pizza it seems silly to leave a random slice especially as the husband doesn't like cold pizza and I’m forgetful and would inevitably find the slice buried at the back of my fridge weeks later so furry I’d have to consider naming it.

But I thought I’d be good tonight, so I saved my third slice with every intention of taking it for lunch tomorrow. I left it unattended in the kitchen and thought “there is no need to tell hubby not to eat it because he doesn't like cold pizza”.  Wrong. I return half an hour later to find a giant bite mark in my good intentioned work pizza.  How infuriating.  So I ate the rest in anger.

And I've just been and eaten a flapjack in anger too.

Considering the small insignificant pizza eating crime that had been committed against me I was dis-proportionally angry…it’s no surprise that the bible talks a lot about anger, especially when we are all prone, myself included, to become angry very quickly over the slightest of issues.  The bible describes God as slow to anger and I am so grateful that he is!  Mine and my husband’s transgressions against him are so much more significant than pizza stealing or angry flapjack eating and yet God is so patient with us.  I may not be a pizza stealer today but every day I am a glory stealer.  In my actions, thoughts and words more often than not I am seeking to rob God of the glory he deserves as my Lord and King and give it all to myself.  And yet every day God is waiting for me to see the folly in my actions and remember his mercy, steadfast love and faithfulness towards wretched pizza stealers and angry flapjack eaters let alone a glory stealer like me.

All that… from pizza…!? Sorry.

Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.

But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious; slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness


  1. Sounds like something I would do :) Praise God He doesn't respond to us as we respond to each other!!

  2. Absolutely! I'm so glad God is nothing like me and doesn't do anything the way I would do it!
