Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Whitney and Jesus...

So yesterday morning after an eventful weekend of friends and family I was dozing to the radio as my baby girl allowed me a little lie in!  As I was coming round to the idea of getting up and giving the little lady her morning milk and planning a hectic day of coo-ing, babbling, nappy changes and finger food madness I was tuning in and out to snippets of news. I realised that amongst the weekend’s business I’d totally missed Whitney Houston’s funeral.  In the thirty seconds of air time her funeral was allotted this bite size statement from Kevin Costner’s emotional eulogy rang in my ears:  

"So off you go, Whitney. Off you go. Escorted by an army of angels to your heavenly father, and when you sing before him don’t you worry, YOU’LL BE GOOD ENOUGH."

There’s no denying this is a beautiful image and a sentiment that we can all appreciate in such sad circumstances.  But I found myself thinking...if a Whitney Houston voice is what we need to be good enough how will most of us fare before God!? Not too well I imagine!  What’s more I began thinking to myself- am I good enough?  What do I do, what do I have that is good enough to bring before God?

I guess I could offer my mothering skills...I’ve been pretty good so far, I’ve given my child my body for nine months, I’ve fed her, clothed her, comforted her, helped her grow and develop.  But as a mother it is easy to constantly ask yourself “Am I good enough?” Am I reading to her enough, playing with her enough, giving her enough love, attention and affection, am I being lazy when I give her food from a jar...and don’t even get me started on all the questions I ask myself when I think about having to drop her off at nursery when I return to work in April!!!  

But thankfully I know that when I die I won’t have to be worrying about whether I’m good enough to stand before God because he couldn’t care less about whether or not I’ve been good enough but whether I’ve been trusting in Jesus who was good enough on my behalf.  So whether you’ve got a Whitney Houston voice or you’re an average mum trying to raise a baby God’s grace levels the playing field because: “God saved you through faith as an act of kindness. You had nothing to do with it. Being saved is a gift from God.” Ephesians 2:8. 

What a relief! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness we don't have to earn our way into heaven! I fall short each and everyday. Thank you for such an encouraging post.
