Saturday, 23 November 2013

Mummy...where's Jesus?

oh how I chuckle and hope no one notices!
During a rather placid teatime of sausage and pasta...


"Where's Jesus?"

"Where's Jesus!?" heaven sitting next to God"

"Oh. Can we go?"

"Go where? To heaven?"


"One day, yes"

"oh, not now Mummy, it's getting late.  Can I play outside in a minute?"

"no darling, it's getting late"

Clearly it is completely reasonable not to go to heaven right now because it's getting late, but playing outside...well that's a different matter !

Saturday, 2 November 2013

18 will have to do on baby number two

1.Somehow I have more than twice the work…
2.I have not continued into Mummy-hood I have become Mummy all over again from scratch because:
3.Baby number two is nothing like baby number one
4.I have ceased to care about dark circles under my eyes, the amount of biscuits and tv consumed by baby (now toddler) number one or the price of nappies
5.I consider 7am a lie in
6.I consider chocolate and a cup of tea by 8:30pm on a Saturday an absolute rave
7.I am constantly amazed that someone so small can create so much washing
8.I am constantly amazed that someone so perfectly formed once lived inside me
9.I am constantly amazed at my functionality to sleep deprivation ratio resulting in shopping done, tea cooked and toddler entertained more often than not


10.I am shocked and dismayed at how quick I am to lose my cool during the night
11.I am shocked by how much I think about what people think of me as I discipline my toddler in public (whilst baby no2 is abandoned in car seat!)
12.I am shocked that there is yet more undiscovered, previously un-dealt with selfishness lurking in my heart...
13.I am shocked that I do not know it all and I am begrudgingly learning humility
14.I am overwhelmed by the commitment it requires to bring little people into this world
15.I am overwhelmed by the commitment required to teach them this world is not their real home and to help them strive for their eternal one in all that they say and do


16.I am grateful that Jesus’ blood speaks a better word over my really bad days of failed routines, unmet targets and occasional shouting matches with the toddler
17.I am grateful that Jesus blood speaks a better word over days that are so good they could be photographed and slapped across the front of Mother & Baby all glossy and boastful.

I am struggling to get to a nice rounded 20 without stretching previous comments or racking my brain for more time than I have to spare so I’ll just finish with:

18.  I am in total agreement with the following statement: " have a child-it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around the outside of your body" Elizabeth Stone