Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Real Mums...

Real mothers don't eat quiche;
they don’t have time to make it.

Real mothers know that their kitchen utensils
are probably in the sand box.

Real mothers often have sticky floors,
filthy ovens and happy kids.

Real mothers know that dried play dough
doesn’t come out of carpets.

Real mothers wear insanely bright coloured clothing 
to hide the sick.

Real mothers don’t want to know what
the vacuum just sucked up.

Real mothers sometimes ask “Why me?”
and get their answer when a little
voice says, “Because I love you best.”

I like to think I'm a real Mum!  I have a practical rain mac in place of my fashionable navy blazer, I am never more than ten feet from a packet of baby wipes, I really don't want to know what the hoover sucked up and I can't wait to get a sand box...

Recently I've been obsessing over the state of my floors, they are filfthy and admittedly so much so that the little lady's baby gros all have brown knees even if they started off white! or baby is that clean!

I've swept my kitchen floor three times already this week and I've had to do so again today.  Amongst my floor treasure I found a raisin, a strawberry, mushy banana, toast, rice cake, cat hair and mud all together now: "ewwwww!"

But I don't want to miss out on any more of my happy baby by cleaning and obsessing, I'm going to be a real Mum and ignore the sticky floors and the oven that needs cleaning so bad I think it might stop working.  The little lady has just learnt to play peek-a-boo behind our arm chair and it is one of the most adorable things I've ever seen in my entire life and I get such joy out of playing it with her.  She's got a toothy smile and a dribbly chin and couldn't care less whether or not the floor is clean. 

She's a real baby so I'm gonna be a real Mum and I hope one day she'll say "I love you best"!